
Deputy Superintendent for Finance and Support

Brigadier General Dallas B. Clark

Dallas Clark matriculated from Salt Lake City, Utah, with the Class of 1999. Dallas Clark Portrait

Dallas was an Economics and Business major at VMI and received an MBA from Virginia Commonwealth University. Originally, he worked in the private industry before returning to VMI to work in the VMI Alumni Association, where he was responsible for new cadet recruiting, chapter promotions, and alumni placement.  In 2006, he joined VMI in the business office as the Institute Planning Officer.

In that role, he was responsible for the Institute Strategic Plan, facilities master planning, emergency preparedness, and a series of other responsibilities before he was named the associate deputy superintendent for finance, administration, and support. 

After his appointment as vice president and chief advancement officer at Southern Virginia University, he returned to VMI as the director of finance, administration, and support and began his duties on February 2017.  He oversees a broad spectrum of offices including finance and budget, auxiliary services, facilities management, infirmary, counseling, and the VMI museum system.

He has also previously served on various community organizations including the Lexington/Rockbridge United Way, Lexington/Rockbridge Chamber of Commerce and the House Mountain Management Committee. Clark served as the chair of the Council of State Senior Business Officers from 2019-2020.

He graduated from both the College Business Managers Institute and the Next Generation Chief Business Officers courses from the University of Kentucky.

Clark and his wife are the parents of two daughters.

VMI: Forging 21st Century Leaders