
Two Naval ROTC Marine Option midshipmen selected for Cyberspace Officer contracts in the Marine Corps.

Allie Sassaman '22 and Kasey Meredith, VMI Corps of Cadet's Regimental Commander, pose for photo after being selected for highly competitive Cyberspace Officer Contracts in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Allie Sassaman '22 (left) and Kasey Meredith '22 (right) stand together on post after being notified by the U.S. Marine Corps that each had been selected for Cyberspace Officer contracts鈥擵MI Photo by Eric Moore.

Two Naval ROTC Marine Option midshipmen, Allie Sassaman 鈥22 and Kasey Meredith 鈥22, have been selected for Cyberspace Officer contracts in the Marine Corps. Especially competitive contracts, these midshipmen secured two of only five contracts given nationally.

Sassaman is an international studies major from Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, triple minoring in national security, Chinese, and Asian studies. She chose to join the Marine Corps because she 鈥渨anted to be a part of the fight.鈥

鈥淐yber piqued my interest initially because it is not something people immediately think of when discussing warfare,鈥 Sassaman said. 鈥淚 was elated when I was notified I was one of the midshipmen selected for a Marine Corps cyber contract.鈥

鈥淚 cannot put all my emotions into words, as I felt this presented a new path of opportunity and goals for myself while also answering my prayers.鈥 Sassaman continued. 鈥淚 have always prayed to be placed in positions where God could use me to impact other people鈥檚 lives.鈥

Meredith, regimental commanding officer for the 2021-22 academic year, is an international studies major and Spanish minor from Johnstown, Pennsylvania. She took classes in cyber warfare and cyber strategies because 鈥渢hose classes really interested me and had me intrigued on how the face of warfare may start to prioritize cyber in the coming years.鈥

After hearing of the success of previous midshipmen in the cyber field, Meredith decided to apply for the Cyberspace Officer contract.

鈥淚 thought I would throw my name in the hat and see what would come of it,鈥 Meredith said. 鈥淲hen I found out over break I had been awarded the contract, I was ecstatic to be one of the few midshipmen in the nation to win it. It also sets me up for a career outside of the Marine Corps in the future if I choose to eventually leave the fleet. I am excited for this new opportunity and to learn new things!鈥

The VMI Naval ROTC staff are proud of the midshipmen鈥檚 efforts and success.

鈥淏oth Midshipmen Meredith and Sassaman have consistently proven that they are leaders who will excel in any career path that they choose,鈥 Capt. Steven Beck, Marine Corps officer instructor, said. 鈥淏eing selected for one of the coveted Cyberspace Officer contracts is a testament to their accomplishments thus far, and I am excited to see what they will accomplish in their careers.鈥

鈥淭he NROTC staff has always encouraged me and pushed me to better myself,鈥 Sassaman said. 鈥淭hey are constantly there to do anything they can to help midshipmen, and I am very appreciative of everything they do.鈥

Eric Moore 
Communications & Marketing 


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