
Cadet Represents All of SoCon at NCAA Student-Athlete Leadership Forum

Whitney Edwards-Roberson 鈥22 poses with staff at the NCAA Student-Athlete Leadership Forum.鈥擯hoto courtesy of Whitney Edwards-Roberson 鈥22

Whitney Edwards-Roberson 鈥22 represents all Southern Conference athletes at the NCAA Student-Athlete Leadership Forum鈥擯hoto courtesy of Whitney Edwards-Roberson 鈥22

LEXINGTON, Va., Dec. 4, 2021鈥斺淚 made a lot of connections with a lot of good people.鈥 

This November, Whitney Edwards-Roberson 鈥22 traveled to Houston, Texas, to represent all Southern Conference athletes at the NCAA Student-Athlete Leadership Forum. A four-year soccer player and former team captain from Chesapeake, Virginia, Edwards-Roberson is hoping to continue her education and potentially work in sports marketing upon graduation.  

The Student-Athlete Leadership Forum is an annual event for college athletes, coaches, and administrators that focuses on leadership development, communication skills, and networking. Guest speakers at the event included Olympic athletes. 

鈥淭he purpose of the forum was to gather leaders together to share personal experiences and learn from other people so you can take it back to your school and your team,鈥 Edwards-Roberson said.  

At the event, student-athletes were split into groups of 30 for intentional conversation and leadership activities. Edwards-Roberson was thankful for the relationships she built at the forum. 

鈥淲e got into some deep conversations,鈥 Edwards-Roberson shared. 鈥淲e only knew each other for 72 hours, and the bonds we built within our groups and everyone there were incredible.鈥 

Edwards-Roberson was thankful to see a familiar face at the conference, as alumnus Cliff Conway 鈥21, an intern with the Southern Conference, was also in attendance. Edwards-Roberson and Conway previously worked together as leaders on the VMI Student Athlete Advisory Committee.  

As Edwards-Roberson looks ahead to graduation, she hopes to take the lessons she has learned at the forum and VMI and apply them to all aspects of life. 

鈥淚t was honestly a growing [experience] for me,鈥 Edwards-Roberson stated. 鈥淓ven though [the forum] was based around your athletic team, I can still take those qualities that I learned about myself there and implement them whenever I'm [on post], around my friends, at home, or in my future career path,鈥 Edwards-Roberson said.

Whitney Edwards-Roberson 鈥22 with the 'Green Team', the peer group with whom she worked.鈥擯hotos courtesy of Whitney Edwards-Roberson 鈥22
Whitney Edwards-Roberson 鈥22 with the 'Green Team', the peer group with whom she worked.鈥擯hotos courtesy of Whitney Edwards-Roberson 鈥22


Eric Moore 
Communications & Marketing 

VMI: Forging 21st Century Leaders